Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Rarely traveled section of the Stillwater

I was driving out on Shiloh Springs Road the other day, over the Stillwater River (Just east of Riverside Drive) and thought back to the only (Recent) known trip we have made on that part of the Stillwater. It was June 1, 2009, and I can remember that date because it was Billy's birthday. I don't know why we have not done that section more often, cause it was a real nice run. We put in just below the Englewood Reserve dam and went all the way down to island park, where the Still water hooks up with the Great Miami.
At this point (being half way through November, I almost have to look at the photos to remember the trip. By the way. These photos were taken with a Nikon P-50, a small point & Shoot that I was playing with. I like it because it has a pretty wide angle (28mm) and still has a pretty decent zoom. It takes OK pictures, but you got to be careful. As soon as you think their OK, it will disappoint you (especially if you are spoiled by a good DSLR).

The put in was well done (By the 5 Rivers Metroparks), probably one of the nicest around. And for a while, it was very cool, following the section that runs along Fredrick Pike, passing through some wilderness areas, in and out of some river homes and setlements. Billy had his new boat out, the onionskin thin Bell, which by the way is a very cool boat. I saw a tree that is eventually going to end up on a house or in the river.

Happy birthday Billy (6 months late), although I think I said the same on 6/1. What a great trip, skipped out of work, sipped a little bourbon and enjoyed a great day. All I can do now in mid November is dream about hitting that section of river again next year.

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